Lilypie Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 22, 2009


It is with a giant sigh of relief that I announce that my dad made it through his 5 hour long partial kidney removal surgery with flying colours. Sure they had to remove one of his ribs to get at the tumour, but the tumour is now all gone, and it hadn't spread anywhere, so his prognosis is very good. I was on edge all day, wondering how things were going. Luckily, my mom's best friend Pat was able to stay with her the whole time, and is probably still there now. She's a keeper, I tell you. Now I feel like I can leave on my trip & put all this stress behind me. Look out UK, here I come!


CinnamonOpus said...

I am glad to hear it! Now you should go and enjoy the UK in all its... UK-ness!

Have some chocolate hobnobs for me.

Vicki said...

That is great news! Please send love from the Aussie family to everyone!